World Economic Outlook
October 2016
Recent Developments and Prospects 1
The Forecast 18
Risks 26
Policy Priorities 29
Scenario Box 1. Tariff Scenarios 37
Box 1.1. World Growth Projections over the Medium Term 40
Special Feature: Commodity Market Developments and Forecasts, with a Focus on
Food Security and Markets in the World Economy 48
References 60
The Implications of Trade for Productivity and Welfare: A Primer 66
The Slowdown in Trade Growth: Key Patterns 67
Understanding the Slowdown in Trade Growth 69
Summary and Policy Implications 85
Box 2.1. Is the Trade Slowdown Contributing to the Global Productivity Slowdown? New Evidence 88
Box 2.2. The Role of Trade Policies in Reinvigorating Trade 91
Box 2.3. Potential Gains from Jump-Starting Trade Liberalization 94
Annex 2.1. Data 95
Annex 2.2. Constructing Disaggregated Import Volume and Price Indices 95
Annex 2.3. Analysis Using an Empirical Model of Import Demand 98
Annex 2.4. Analysis Using a General Equilibrium Model 106
Annex 2.5. Analysis at the Product Level 107
Annex 2.6. Analysis Using Gravity Model of Trade 110
References 115
A Primer on the Costs of Disinflation, Persistently Low Inflation, and Deflation 124
Inflation Dynamics: Patterns and Recent Drivers 126
How Well Anchored Are Inflation Expectations? 134
Summary and Policy Implications 142
Box 3.1. Industrial Slack and Producer Price Inflation 145
Box 3.2. The Japanese Experience with Deflation 147
Box 3.3. How Much Do Global Prices Matter for Food Inflation? 150
Box 3.4. The Impact of Commodity Prices on Producer Price Inflation 154
Box 3.5. A Transparent Risk-Management Approach to Monetary Policy 156
Annex 3.1. Sample and Data 158
Annex 3.2. Model Simulations 158
Annex 3.3. Principal Component Analysis 160
Annex 3.4. Drivers of the Recent Decline in Inflation 161
Annex 3.5. The Effect of Inflation Shocks on Inflation Expectations 164
References 168
Introduction 171
The Challenges and Opportunities of Migration 183
Box 4.1. China’s Ties with Low-Income and Developing Countries 195
Box 4.2. Conflicts Driving Migration: Middle East and North Africa 196
Box 4.3. Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa 197
Assumptions 203
What’s New 204
Data and Conventions 204
Country Notes 205
Classification of Countries 205
General Features and Composition of Groups in the World Economic Outlook Classification 206
Table A. Classification by World Economic Outlook Groups and Their Shares in Aggregate GDP,
Exports of Goods and Services, and Population, 2015 207
Table B. Advanced Economies by Subgroup 208
Table C. European Union 208
Table D. Emerging Market and Developing Economies by Region and Main Source of
Export Earnings 209
Table E. Emerging Market and Developing Economies by Region, Net External Position, and
Status as Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Low-Income Developing Countries 210
Table F. Economies with Exceptional Reporting Periods 212
Table G. Key Data Documentation 213
Box A1. Economic Policy Assumptions Underlying the Projections for Selected Economies 223
List of Tables
Output (Tables A1–A4) 228
Inflation (Tables A5–A7) 235
Financial Policies (Table A8) 240
Foreign Trade (Table A9) 241
Current Account Transactions (Tables A10–A12) 243
Balance of Payments and External Financing (Table A13) 250
Flow of Funds (Table A14) 254
Medium-Term Baseline Scenario (Table A15) 257
World Economic Outlook, Selected Topics 259