原标题:The Cost of Inaction: A CEO Guide to Navigating Climate Risk
1.1 气候变化的影响正在加剧,并将随着进一步变暖而加速 9
1.2 与气候相关的经济成本在过去 20 年中增加了一倍以上 11
1.3 进一步变暖可能会给世界经济带来越来越大的压力 12
2.1 气候变化对私营部门构成巨大的物理风险 15
2.2 物理风险将在未来 20 年内转化为实际成本 16
2.3 企业认识到物理风险,但可能低估了其影响 18
2.4 企业适应性投资具有越来越积极的商业案例 20
3.1 未脱碳的企业可能面临越来越大的转型风险 23
3.2 如果转型风险成为现实,则可能转化为重大的财务损失 26
3.3 企业似乎低估了这些财务损失,而高估了行动的成本 29
4.1 气候领导力仍然有效 33
4.2 在重工业中,气候领导者进行长期博弈 34
4.3 气候变暖正在创造适应解决方案的市场 35
步骤 1 进行全面的气候风险评估 38
步骤 2 管理当前业务组合中的风险 41
步骤 3 调整业务以释放机遇 44
步骤 4 监测风险并报告进展 45
推动力 1 升级气候风险治理 46
推动力 2 将气候风险纳入日常业务之中 47
推动力 3 开发有效的气候风险系统 47
1.1 Impacts of climate change are increasing and will accelerate with further warming 9
1.2 Climate-related economic costs have more than doubled over the past 20 years 11
1.3 Further warming could put an increasing strain on the world economy 12
2.1 Climate change poses substantial physical risks to private sector 15
2.2 Physical risks will translate into material costs within the next two decades 16
2.3 Companies recognize physical risks but likely underestimate their impact 18
2.4 Corporate adaptation investments have an increasingly positive business case 20
3 Corporate cost of own inaction: transition risks are increasing 22
3.1 Companies that do not decarbonize may face increasing transition risks 23
3.2 If transition risks materialize, they could translate into material financial losses 26
3.3 Companies seem to underestimate these financial losses and overestimate the cost of action 29
4.1 Climate leadership still pays off 33
4.2 In heavy industry, climate leaders play a long-term game 34
4.3 The warming climate is creating a market for adaptation solutions 35
Step 1 Conduct a comprehensive climate risk assessment 38
Step 2 Manage risks in the current business portfolio 41
Step 3 Pivot your business to unlock opportunities 44
Step 4 Monitor risks and report on progress 45
Enabler 1 Upgrade climate risk governance 46
Enabler 2 Integrate climate risk into business-as-usual 47
Enabler 3 Develop effective climate risk systems 47