




衡量一个城市的优势是通过经济实力,社会条件和环境来反应的。看着这三项性能无论是城市排名此依据,但各种研究不足以帮助我们理解一个伟大的城市元素,也不足以说明城市领导人实际上做才能让他们的城市大。是什么驱使一个城市的表现?此外,一个绝对的衡量性能可以忽略的事实,每个城市都有不同的起点,一个城市,有一个非常低的起点相对较低的排名会掩盖的努力和创新,帮助这样一个城市做出重大的进展。因此,了解性能,重要的是不仅要考虑目前的措施,但也是变化的轨迹。考虑到这一点,我们进行了本报告中的研究。我们在开发和城市经济,社会和环境绩效指标分析的综合数据库,在四大洲采访了30位市长等市领导在市政府,形成了来自80多个案例研究,试图理解的步骤市领导的结果采取措施改善流程和服务的整个范围,从城市规划到财务管理和社会住房(见附文“关于研究” ) 。
无论它们的起始位置如何,但是城市可以改变。新加坡在短短几十年间从一个殖民地港口的崛起一个世界级的城市,而相反纽约从20世纪60年代后期和70年代的经济衰退,就是两个明显的例子。在我们的研究中,城市领导者大多数热衷于推动变革的措施,但是每一个变革措施的影响变变得难以确定。有一些共同的趋势:实现精明增长,少花钱多办事,并赢得支持) 。该报告介绍了一些管理做法,使领导者更能成功地做这些事情。

What makes a great city? It is a pressing question because by 2030, 5 billion people—60 percent of the world’s population—will live in cities, compared with 3.6 billion today, turbo-charging the world’s economic growth.1 But for the leaders who govern cities, the challenges are tough. Those in many developing nations have to cope with urbanization on an unprecedented scale. Those in developed nations, where growth prospects are weaker, wrestle with aging infrastructure and stretched budgets.
All are fighting to secure or maintain their competitiveness and hence the livelihoods of residents. All are conscious of the quality of life enjoyed by present citizens. And all are aware of the environmental legacy they will leave citizens of the future if they fail to find more sustainable, resource-efficient ways of expanding their local economies and managing their cities.
A city’s performance has to be measured in a way that reflects all of these concerns—the strength of the economy, social conditions, and the environment. Various studies have looked at these three measures of  performance either separately or together, and ranked cities accordingly.2 But while such studies can help us understand the elements  of a great city, they do not tell us what city leaders actually do to make their cities great. What drives a city’s performance? Moreover, an absolute measure of performance can overlook the fact that each city has a different starting point; a relatively low ranking for a city that had an extremely low starting point would mask the efforts and innovations that helped such a city make significant progress. Therefore, to understand performance, it is important to consider not only current measures but also the trajectory of change. With this in mind, we undertook the research presented in this report. We developed and analyzed a comprehensive database of urban economic, social, and environmental performance indicators, interviewed 30 mayors and other city leaders in city governments on four continents, and synthesized the findings from over 80 case studies that sought to understand the steps city leaders had taken to improve a whole range of processes and services, from urban planning to financial management and social housing (see sidebar “About the research”).
Whatever their starting positions, cities can change. Singapore’s rise from a colonial harbor to a world-class city in just a few decades and New York’s turnaround from the economic decline of the late 1960s and ’70s are just two examples. The wide range of measures city leaders in our research used to drive change makes it hard to assess the impact of each measure quantitatively. Yet some common  themes emerge. Leaders who make important strides in improving their cities, no matter their starting point, do three things really well: they achieve smart growth, do more with less, and win support for change (Exhibit 1, previous page). This report describes some of the managerial practices that enable leaders to do these things successfully.

[报告关键词]:   城市  
















